Yesterday was my grandma's funeral. It was a beautiful service, but a very long day. The visitation was beforehand so we were at the funeral home from 11am until 3pm. But, I got to see a lot of family and friends who I've not seen in a long time and we caught up on each other lives. Just wish we hadn't waited until grandma's death to do it.
Afterwards, at the cemetery, I was chatting with my mom and aunt when my daughter put her head on my mom's shoulder. I thought she was just leaning on my mom for comfort, but the next thing we knew she was on the ground! My daughter passed out! Everyone scrambled to help her up, get water, cover her legs with a jacket (she had a dress on so didn't want her flashing anybody), etc. She ended up on the ground for about five minutes. She wasn't out for long, but had to get her bearings. My cousin, who is a nurse, was checking her out and we think that she passed out due to the stress of the day, the heat (we were standing in the sun) and lack of food and drink. She'd not eaten much that morning. She's fine now thankfully, but talk about giving her poor mom more gray hairs! Geez!