Monday, June 18, 2007

Deck Problems

The deck that should have been done by this past weekend still hasn't even been started. Why? you ask. Well, the guy who we'd asked to do it, the one who promised it would be done by the weekend, the one who went ahead and bought all the lumber, decided at the last minute that he didn't have time to do it after all. His day job was keeping him too busy. Can you say p***ed off?!?!?

I've scrambled since Friday, trying to find someone else who would be willing to do it for us. Finally, this morning I get a call back from a local contractor who said he was on his way out to our house to give me an estimate. When he got here, he said it would be no problem to fit us into his schedule, BUT.....yes, there was a but. But he said from the looks of the pile of wood we have in our yard, he didn't think that our drop-out contractor bought enough! Great. We've already spent $1600 for lumber, concrete, nails, etc. and now this new guy is telling me that we might have to buy even more? Good grief! He is supposed to get a labor estimate to me this afternoon or evening. If it's not a lot then I'll go ahead and tell him to schedule us, but if it's way more then I'm willing to pay then I guess it's back to the drawing board.

I swear, this pool is just not working out the way we thought it would. First it seemed to take forever to get installed and now the deck is to. Must just be my luck.

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