Friday, October 28, 2005

Weigh-In Day

Ok, hopped on the scale this morning and I'm back down to 250. Lost the two pounds that I somehow found last week. I'm happy about that. Now let's see if I can actually get below this infamous weight. I went back over my weigh-in's for the past month and I've not done very well at all. Keep hovering around this point and I really want to get below it. I hit the grocery store this morning so I'm all set on the salad fixings and other important NS foods. Now to just stick with it, bump up the exercise and get the scale moving again. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Karon said...

Congratulations, Lisa! Now that you've 'lost' those two pounds let's not be looking for them again! tee hee ... I wish you lots of luck this week in breaking past the 250 mark. I know you can do it! You go, girl!